Starscream created the clones with mechanical shells based on Starscream's design were infused with protoforms stolen from Master Yoketron's dojo. The Jealous: War for Cybertron Trilogy: I'm not sure why I chose this one, I guess it was because he was jealous of Jetfire's position and later of Megatron and then the Predacons.ĭon't Ask: Anime/Unicron Trilogy: I never watched the Unicron trilogy so I don't know much about this Starscream, I do know that in the end he actually turns good and joins forces with the Autobots against Megatron so maybe he's a lot different than the other Starscreams. The Starscream clones were clones of Starscream, brought to life with a shard of the Allspark, have different colour schemes, and represent different sides of his personality. The greedy: Aligned (War for Cybertron/Fall of Cybertron games, Transformers Prime and Transformers Robots in Disguise): I'm not sure why I chose this one as the greedy one, I guess it's because he was constantly hoarding things (weapons, minicons, info etc.) The Liar: Prime Wars Trilogy: This one actually convinced everyone else that he was trustworthy but in truth he was still grasping for power. The Coward: Generation 1 Cartoon: I'm not sure why I chose this one particularly, it was between this one and the Aligned Starscream, I guess it was because this one had the most underhanded ways to become leader (just dumping Megatron into space in the movie) also because he was a constantly whiner and I can't help but remember when he screamed "I'm stupid, I'm stupid!" after Megatron threatened him. The Suck Up: Michael Bay Live action: This one was probably the least rebellious of all the Starscreams and a lot of the time in the movies he spent sucking up to Megatron. The Megalomaniac: Cyberverse: This guy joined forces with the Quintessons and became the judge of his own universe, I don't think you can get any maniacal than that.

I thought it would be a funny idea of each version of Starscream from different media/universes embodied his personality and thus this collage was created. In Animated each of the Starscream clones embodied parts of his personality. I know that in both Transformers Animated and Transformers Prime Starscream creates a small army of clones of himself to help him take over the Decepticons/the world. I've been on a Transformers buzz lately, last month I binge watched the War for Cybertron Trilogy and Cyberverse on Netflix and I watched most of the episodes of the Prime Wars Trilogy on YouTube.